KMC notes – 2.1.2022
John 1:10-18
John makes it clear in these verses that, whilst Jesus came for all people, many rejected Him in that they neither knew nor received Him. The fallen nature of humankind meant that people did not recognise or accept the very One who had created them and was now coming to them in person. God’s existence is evident in creation if only people would look for it, but many don’t bother to do so. Those who do will notice the amazing order of creation – seasons, day and night etc. They will be amazed at the number of stars and planets, all of which keep to their courses which enables people to calculate the exact moment and situation of their appearance. They will marvel at humankind’s ability to think, reason, and differentiate between right and wrong; and at the very gift of life itself. History itself proves that when a nation or people lose their gods, that nation collapses and disintegrates. The existence of creation proves there is a God. Yet people still reject Him and deny His existence.
However those who do receive Him become the children of God. Every person is a child of God in that He created them and gave them life. But only those who accept Him can enter a relationship with God and become His true sons and daughters. This is the triumph of the story and the reason John wrote his Gospel, for he describes here the grace God extended and still extends to all those who believe in Him. The fact that they are children is a term of endearment as it implies that God is their parent. This is the new birth into the family of God that brings about change in the life for all who accept it. To find both grace and truth we need to look to Jesus Christ.
John declares the humanness of Jesus, the Son of God. This was a shattering new idea. The Jewish picture of God was that He was too high to associate with human beings. The Greeks did not imagine God would ever have taken a human body. But here, John says, God became human. John uses the term ‘sarx’ which is a word Paul repeatedly used to describe human nature (flesh).
In addition, God came to live amongst them. They did not have to look for Him. He was here with them. This phrase translates ‘to pitch one’s tent, and is associated with the tabernacle in the desert when the Israelites were there for so many years. The tabernacle signified many things to the Jewish people. It demonstrated that God was living among His people; it was situated at the centre of the Israelite camp; it was the place where the Law was kept; revelation happened there and sacrifices were made there. In fact, it was the centre of Jewish worship.
John, as one of the disciples, witnessed the glory of God in Jesus. He was able to make a careful study of God’s glory as he spent time in Jesus’ presence. He was, said John, full of grace and truth. Not partly but completely. Only God could be full of both characteristics for He is grace and He is truth.
John the Baptist knew exactly who Jesus was. He recognised that Jesus was greater than he was in every sense of the word. This was an unusual concept because the accepted understanding was that the first born was the superior over those who came after. But Jesus, says John, is an unending, continuous source of truth and grace, thus superseding the Law of Moses. He reveals to all people the nature and personality of God who, until now has only been seen by the Son Himself. In Jesus can be found love, wisdom, beauty, provision, courage, the ability to cope, forgiveness,
strength or whatever a person needs. He provides people with all the fullness of God. The deeper the relationship a person has with Jesus, the more wonderful He becomes. The grace God extends changes from one situation to another in our lives. Whatever grace is required at any given time that grace is available to those who follow Jesus.
Daily meditations
Day 1
How do you see God in creation? Spend some time today, if you can, sitting or walking in God’s creation and looking for signs of His presence.
Day 2
Think about those you know who are rejecting Jesus Christ. Spend some time praying for them.
Day 3
Praise God for His presence in your life. How do you know and recognise He is with you?
Day 4
Where do you see the glory of God? How would you describe this to someone who does not recognise His glory?
Day 5
What do the terms grace and truth mean to you at this time? Where do you need God’s grace today? Speak to Him about such things.
Barclay, William. Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of John – Volume 1 Chapters 1-7. The Saint Andrew Press, Edinburgh. 1982