Knysna Methodist Church

Pastor’s Letter – 13 January 2021

My Beautiful Friends,

2021 has begun much as 2020 ended, nothing much has changed. We all seem to have come through the festive season even though it was a different experience. It is the second time in my 60 years of life that I did not attend church on Christmas Day, the first was when I served in the armed forces and had to be away for three months just after my twins were born. I remember cooking 12 turkeys for Christmas lunch that year, I have not eaten turkey since. We managed I believe to broadcast a fitting Christmas Day service. Thank you to all the role players who made this event possible. Our Presiding Bishop, Rev Purity Malinga has asked us to reimagine the way we do church at this very trying time and I think as a team we have done just that. Once again thanks you to all the role players

I have been concerned about our connectedness the past few months and I am aware that perhaps I have not been able to reach all those in need owing to Covid-19 restrictions. I have found a great difficulty in being a pastor at this time and if I have not met a need, please would you forgive me, I do care so much for you all. I am also aware of the high risk I carry as a diabetic and am being very careful to stay out of harms way as much as possible.

We have had to suspend our church services for a while but I encourage you to tune in on Sunday mornings to our You-tube channel. Please also take note of our new web site. You are able to access this by typing in on any search engine and then saving it for usage. Please if you see any mistakes or misinformation on the website, let us know and we will endeavour to correct it.

Please would you also keep either Elsie Joubert or I informed of any prayer or pastoral needs at this time. I am so aware of the dangers of visiting at this stage but if the need arises, we will make a plan.

We will also as a team be calling you at least once a quarter to see how you are doing. Please continue praying for those in need that are on our prayer list. A family that prayers together, stays together.

Please remember Susan Lawson and her family and Cynthia Neuworth and her family, both have lost a loved one recently. Our thoughts and prayers are for you at this time.

We are so grateful to God that Cecile and Louis have survived Covid-19 infections, many have not and we remember those close to us who have passed on due to this devastating disease.

I close with a blessing that I have taken from Philomene’s ‘Grace Journal’ that I received as a gift.

“May all that has got lost in you, be found again.
May your path be lit by stars as you renew your journey creatively.
May the voices you hear echo the love of the angels.
Do not be afraid and may your words to yourself be ever gentle.
May you receive the gifts you have sought but, more importantly, may you be reminded of the gift you have
been to many this year.
May your life be observed with eyes of beauty by those who surround you.
May you be strengthened with attentiveness as deep as Mary’s for her child.
May you know that there is One who watched all your new births and all your growing.
May you be blessed, may God’s Shalom be within, around and about you through the new year.”

[Philomene Luyindula Lasoen]

God bless you my friends as we journey on in life together. I love you madly…


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