Greeting to you after what seems like an age. So much has been happening and I thought I would spend a few moments catching up will you all.
As you all know, I have not been well. It all started off by me being diagnosed with TB and a growth in my lung. Then I fell and hurt my back badly. I have also been very nauseous and not able to eat which has resulted in some much needed weight loss. They have now found that the cause of this all has been my Gall Bladder which is not healthy and contains five stones. This is to be removed on the 4th May after which I will be like new.
I thank God for you all and your prayers, without them I would not have survived. It has been difficult for me to step back and be cared for seeing as I have always been the carer. But God works with us in a beautiful way. I would also like to thank Pam, Juan and Cedric for stepping in and holding the fort as it were. To the leaders of our church, thank you for your love and gracious support.
Enough of me.
We have bid farewell to some stalwarts of our church during the past time. Bell Miller, Harry Woodcock, Beth and Steve Rankin have all been called to higher service. May their souls rest in peace.
Our new community projects have been doing so well. Granny’s Attic has been well received by the public. Thank you for all your donations and continued support. Our community garden has had its first yield and has feed a few families. We are about to establish our second garden at the Hornlee Church in due course. These gardens are great because they are used as a tool in bringing the community together and feeding at the same time. The excess produce is used at our soup kitchens. Thanks to Arnaud, Barbaba-Anne and August for a great effort.
The Church has been through a difficult time with Covid-19. We thank God for our ability to live-stream our service’s but it is not the same. It has been so good to see familiar beautiful faces returning to Worship. It warms a pastor’s heart to see the community worshipping. As I said on Easter Sunday, the church is a super spreader, yes, of God’s love and Grace and Mercy. And we need to be seen, worshipping together. That is what Resurrection is all about, that is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to bring us back into relationship with God, that’s why the church is so important, that’s why we need to continuous worshipping together.
Our God is an awesome God who loves us all beyond measure. We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness. We are made for all the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We belong to this family, this human family, God’s family.
May you continue to receive God’s richest blessings in your life and thank you once again for caring for me. I love each one of you so much
With lots of Grace