Knysna Methodist Church

13 October 2021

13 October 2021

To My Beloved Family,

I greet you once again in Jesus’ name. What a joy it is to know that Jesus truly loves me and that He is always with me in whatever situation I find myself in, through flame and fire, in joy and in sorrow, ‘Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so…’ I sing with joy, ‘ Yes! Jesus loves me…’ and He loves you too. This is the simple truth of the Gospel message, and we can rejoice in faith.

The weather is improving, summer is almost here, the Church is returning to ‘normal’ and for this I am thankful. And the good news is that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus has been alongside us through it all. Hallelujah!

Our church life is moving forward at a rapid pace towards the years end and I want to share a few of the forthcoming happenings.

Our Pop-Up tea garden, the Singing Kettle will commence on 30 October 2021 at 09h00. Come and enjoy a breakfast, tea/coffee and cake and a chinwag with your besties. We look forward to seeing you.

At the end of November, 28th, we have planned a ‘High Tea’. to celebrate the blessings that we have received. There are only 60 tickets available @ R100.00 each. Bookings are essential. See Pam at the office. Once again bring your BFF [Best Favourite Friends] and join us for a great morning of celebration.

Men’s and Ladies Breakfasts are also up and running, watch our bulletins and website for more details.

We will be celebrating our ‘Harvest Festival’ on Sunday 31st October 2021 at 09h00. Once again, a time of acknowledging our many blessings. I have asked each of you to please give the church a ‘Harvest Donation’. Envelopes have been prepared for this purpose. As I explained on Sunday, due to Covid our finances are not as healthy as they should be. We are doing everything in our power to keep this shortfall at a minimum. We would be so grateful to you for a little extra help. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

My sister reminded me this morning that there are only 11 Mondays left until Christmas. This means that I have been looking at creative ways to celebrate on Christmas day. Let me share more with you. There will be two services on Christmas day, the first at 07H30 in the hall. This will be transmitted live. The second service will be a traditional service in the Old Church at 09H00. I’m looking forward to this one as in 14 years I have never held a Christmas service in the Church.

In closing I need to remind us all that commitment is key to our success as a community and all of us have a place where we are loved and needed. Become an integral part of this your church, live out your faith to the fullest and remember the love that Jesus has for you.

God Bless you all

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