Knysna Methodist Church

You are Invited – Genesis 47:27

Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. The acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number. Genesis 47:27

In the middle of a severe famine, the Israelites prospered. God provided for them. In these days of pandemic it is easy to be sad, depressed, frightened. But today you are invited to consider where God is for you at this very moment. How has He provided for you? How has He comforted, strengthened or healed you? How has He blessed you? What about your family? Where can you see the hand of God in their lives? Spend some time today in praise of God’s intervention in your life during this time – and if it is hard for you to find those moments, ask Him to reveal them to you.

May God bless you as you worship Him today.

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