Knysna Methodist Church

You are Invited – 10.9.2021

And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 2 John 1:5

Today (whether you are a lady or a man) you are invited to consider the command Jesus gave to His disciples that John records in this letter: Love one another. How do you feel about the people around you – family, friends, work colleagues, sports club companions, fellow members of the congregation? Who can you say you love as Jesus has asked you to love? Who would you say you struggle to love? Why do you think that is so? Bring this group of people to Jesus in prayer today and ask Him to help you love them in spite of what has occurred before. If you need to forgive them, ask Him to help you. If you just don’t like them for some reason, ask Him to help you love them instead. (It is possible). Reach out to one of the people you struggle to love in the love of Jesus today after you have prayed for them. What happens?

May God bless you with His love for others today. May you see them in a new way through His eyes.

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