For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26
Today you are invited to consider what the meal of Holy Communion signifies. It looks back – to the protection of God over the Israelites in Egypt and, more recently, to the Cross. It looks forward to Jesus’ return. Salvation, eternal life, reward. Which of these is the most meaningful to you? Do you consider Christ’s return when you share communion with the Family of God in your congregation? How does this thought about the future affect your understanding of communion and how you feel about it? Tell God, and speak to Him about any struggles you may have in regard to His future return. Spend some time praying for those whom you know and/or love who do not yet know Him as Saviour.
May God bless you with answered prayer and with an assurance of His return to fetch His bride.